Sunday, March 18, 2012

Weekend Round-Up: Home Again

So nice to be back home and settled in to a regular routine again. I took the day off work on Friday to hang out with Margaret. We love pretending to be ladies of leisure!

Our day started at the de Young Museum for the annual Bouquets to Art show. Even at ten in the morning and during a heavy rainstorm, the museum was packed! Lovely flowers this year, I'll share a couple more photos and some trend notes in a separate post.

We had a late lunch at Kabuto Sushi with delicious fresh fish and hot tea. Next stop, Fillmore Street to make a visit to PaperSource. Coffee and cookie break at Fillmore Bakeshop before heading home. We played Lego Batman for an hour before launching in to a full blown craft project for the rest of the afternoon.

Rob came home and we made a big taco dinner together. Margaret headed off later that night.

Saturday was a pretty lazy day, the weather was cold and rainy - it even hailed at one point!
Rob and I had breakfast sweet rolls and coffee at home. At noon, we took the car out to REI and then to pick out a new dishwasher at Sears - the 2nd of three appliances that have recently kicked the bucket in our apartment. Chinese food for lunch in San Bruno. In the evening, we drove out to the Richmond to meet Seth & Amy's new second baby. On the way, we picked up Mexican dinner and home-made ice cream from Joe's. The new baby girl was adorable, so tiny!

Sunday was another lazy day. Rob and I had coffee, yogurt with granola and the Sunday paper. I picked up the apartment for a bit. Then, it was time to meet Nicole downtown for some shopping. Brrr. Super cold day! I picked up a new trench coat and a lace mini skirt at Zara. We ate a late lunch in the Macy's basement. At 5:30, we caught a movie at the Westfield: Friends with Kids, which was okay but not great. I like Adam Scott, so that was fun! Back home through the cold in time for a late salad dinner with Rob.

We've got a big week planned! Thanks for your patience while I was out at SXSW.

1 comment:

  1. My city's art museum does a flower show like that too - and it was indeed packed with the ladies who lunch crowd - plus me. Loved it!
