Sunday, April 01, 2012

Weekend Roundup: Sick

Crazy March caught up with me: I came down with a terrible cold late last week. I was planning to be better by the weekend. No dice!

Friday night I was a sad puddle. Saturday, I gathered up enough energy for my hair appointment and then straight back in my pajamas for the rest of the day. Sunday wasn't any different, only with the addition of sore ribs from coughing. I read the entire Sunday paper, the second Hunger Games book, Strange Fish, the latest New Yorker and half of Persuasion. I watched The Devil Wears Prada, Crazy Stupid Love, You've Got Mail, many episodes of Parks & Recreation and Arrested Development. Took so many naps. Made all kinds of promises to exercise and eat better when I'm well. It's boring being sick.

Finally, Sunday at 2:30 we had plans to go sailing with friends who bought a deal online. I bundled up with long johns under my boating clothes...and we were the only people on the 90 ft ship in anything vaguely nautical. Everyone in our party was dressed in all black. The other half of the boat was six year old girls in hot pink. Like a crazy pirate ship!

Very nice sail around the bay. It was suoer windy but The Bay Lady was lovely.

We landed at 5:00. Straight home and into a hot bath for me. I really hope this cold goes away soon!

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